The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse (CASA) at Columbia University (CASA) was established in 1992 by Joseph A. Califano, Jr. The stated official goals of the organization are:
Since its inception CASA Columbia's policy research and analysis division has issued more than 70 reports characterizing the impact of substance use and addiction on America's systems and populations and developing cost effective recommendations for changes in policy and practice. CASA researchers and analysts have published more than 170 articles in peer reviewed journals, a number of which have come from scientists in the organization's health and treatment research and analysis division. The peer reviewed articles come from CASA Columbia studies which determine what substance abuse and addiction treatment protocols work best for individual populations. CASA Columbia also develops field based programs and practices like its evidence-based model CASASTARTSM program that focus on helping high-risk children and teens grow up healthy and drug-free. All policy reports, programs, and the bibliography of CASA Columbia staff articles are available on the organization's web site.
Funding for the policy papers, CASA Columbia’s youth development programs and treatment division studies comes from government grants, corporate and foundation support and private donations. The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation provided core funding from 1992-2007 in the amount of $28 million. As of December 31, 2009, CASA Columbia's assets total $68 million.